
Despite this being the last day of our diet (YAY! I cannot wait to eat chocolate!) I wanted to talk about one of my sources of motivation. I discovered my two new favorite Youtubers throughout the course of this diet: Sarah's Day and Christie Swadling. Both of these channels are about living your healthiest life and are extremely uplifting and inspiring. Christie Swadling is a vegan Youtuber, who makes recipe videos and general videos about your health. Her positive energy is incredible and everything about her inspires me to live a healthier life. Sarah's Day is very similar, however, she is not vegan. She eats wholesome foods and is dairy, refined sugar, and gluten free. She shares constant advice and recipes that inspire me to be healthier. Both of their channels are terrific examples of how eating clean and living a healthy lifestyle can make your life much more positive. I have learned a lot about nutrition from watching their channels. Their videos are what inspired my last blog about what I eat in a day. I highly recommend watches some of their videos to get inspired to eat and act healthier.
As a side note, I have discovered I love kombucha. I am not totally sure where it stemmed from, but I always thought it would taste gross. That was not the case at all and I totally love it! I was in Philadelphia over the weekend and I when into a health food shop that sold their own kombucha and I tried the blueberry. It was so good!


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