last week!

This is the last week that I will be sugar free! It will be the end of 8 long and hard weeks, but I believe that I have grown as a person throughout this experience. It has had its ups and downs, such as not being able to have sugar at all on Easter but knowing that I was strong enough to not sneak any jelly beans or chocolates. As bad as I wanted a Reeses egg or chocolate bunny, I pushed through it. Many recipies helped me through these 8 weeks, including sugar free ice cream made out of frozen bananas, cocoa powder, sugar free peanut butter, and milk. Also I decorated plain yogurt with tons of fresh fruit and homemade granola to enhance the flavor.  These recipes, like homemade granola and sugar free pancakes and ice cream, will be included in the ebook at the end of our project. Claire and I will share all of our delicious recipes and helpful tips to make it easier for others going sugar free or vegan. We hope that you will try these recipes and possibly even attempt one of these diets yourself! Feel free to ask us any questions about the diets and how to successfully partake in them, or even offer us any advice of your own!
Created by Sarah


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